Tips for organizing your consultancy practice

Starting your consultancy practice is great but you have to know that it can be rocky at the beginning. However with the right strategy and the right amount of determination you can make it work. if you are considering starting your consultancy practice here are tips for organizing it:

Get an office

The first thing you want to do is get a good office. Having an office will make your services professional and help you to attend to your clients in a professional environment. The office can be within your home if you can’t afford an office yet. You can read home office furniture reviews on to know what furniture to get for your office.

Be serious with it

If you are starting your consulting business  while you have a job it is possible that you don’t take it seriously. However if you want your practice to work you have to be intentional about all you do from the way your website is designed to how your business cards look. If you are not intentional you won’t have a consulting practice at the end of the day. Establish a strong social media presence and never give your potential clients or clients the chance to doubt you.

Don’t get hooked with unprofitable clients

You may not be able to avoid unprofitable clients totally but you can cut off relations with them before you get choked. Constant complaining and pressure from a client are not what you need. When matters get to this charge three or four times what you would normally charge and the client will most likely leave.

Also try to protect yourself from clients not paying you or paying late. For instance you can have it in your terms of service that late payment attracts a fee. Or you could decide to give a time-restrained percentage discount on late payments. In unavoidable cases of late payment find out what the real problem is before you react.

Deliver beyond your promises

Having repeat clients is the key to success in consulting business. if you are not retaining old clients your business is t a standstill even with the new ones you are getting. Research shows that it takes four times what it means to retain existing clients to find new ones.

Even if you hate the job stick to it and ensure to deliver your best. If you have any doubts about the job you can take on a small job to demonstrate your skill and convince the client that you are capable. It also allows you to back out if you are not up for the job.

Don’t be afraid to be on your own

Don’t pretend to be what you are not because you want to sell yourself to potential clients or sell yourself higher. If you work remotely take meetings in public appropriate spaces or your clients’ offices. Not every client appreciates the overhead cost that comes with big consulting businesses before they eventually pay for what they need.

Some people like the single consultant as they want to avoid overhead costs and deal with the person who works not those who sell. There is no shame in scaling your consulting practice from low beginnings to greater heights. Just ensure you have plans for growth in place for both increases in knowledge and quality of service and structure.